Friday, April 15, 2011

Sunshine Day!

Today was another day for the books really.  We started off the morning at our Friday Library time. Both the kids loved the Easter theme and it was nice to have a smaller group to feel like we could have some catch up time with our friends.

We had some time to kill, so we decided to go hunt for a new state park I heard of the other evening at the board meeting.  Sure enough, it was as easy to find as the glimpse of directions I saw online.  I couldn't have been more thrilled at our find.  While there is no "play area" per se, Sunshine surely found her way around all the paths and made it all her own. She was most excited by finding all different sorts of dog poop.  It was all I could do to keep her from touching it all!

It's a great day to remind me that the kids help remind us what is important!  Today I go to best with a smile, knowing I did a great job enjoying my kids and the outdoors today.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Keeping Up!

So I didn't want to let myself down in just the first few days on the old Happiness Project. Today seems like an easy one if you ask me.

My son and I go to swimming and my daughter tags along. It broke my heart when she begged to watch.  Unfortunately she isn't quite old enough to sit totally unattended by the pool while I am unable to get to her.  She willing let go of my neck as I dropped her off at the child watch.

My son and I had a great time swimming in the water. He is so chill, but you can tell he adores being in the warmth of the pool and splashing.

The weather cooperated with us today and I had promised my daughter a much deserved and needed afternoon at the park! She made my heart melt.  She flittered and swooshed about like she owned the place.  We even squeezed in a little picnic.  She was thrilled to hear the humming of the train and about jumped out of her skin when she saw it with her own eyes. She had to sit just by the skate park, and thankfully was able to see one kid enter the skate park to skate! She could have stayed there all afternoon....but we had to leave.

My son had to have a follow up at the Doctor about his ears.  On our way out, she noticed the little tykes basketball hoop.  This time, she found the basketball that went with it. She looked into my eyes as she asked if we could please play.  I obliged. It couldn't have been a better day for being outside.   She worked up such energy, she told me she had to sit and rest and drink her water. We both hung back (while her brother hung in the stroller) as we took in the moment.

The day was capped off with a wonderful afternoon and evening with spurts of outdoor play!  She and her brother both went down easy for bed, with fresh air in their lungs and pure joy in the hearts with a wonderful day.

I couldn't be more blessed with how it's all starting, happy, happy, happy.

Did I mention the bonus, the husband was home a little early (for him) and I got to watch our daughter chase him around the yard! Truly feels like Spring/Summer is here!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Change is a Coming

So, I have been thinking and thinking and more thinking. I wanted to start a blog for me, someplace where I could go and share what I am thinking. It doesn't matter to me whether or not anyone else ever actually reads the blog, but I will know it has been done.

Today is the start of the change. I am going to try and post 5 times a week. I would say every day, but I am afraid I may fail at my own goal so will start out with 5 times a week.  I want to keep track of the small (or big) things in my life that I am thankful and happy for.

I feel a renewed sense of self today.  Why you ask? Well my daughter had a playmate come over, aka the babysitter and her young son.  Mommy got to get a lot of little things done and my daughter and her brother got some much needed play time and separate time from me.

Tonight, I am taking the first step in doing something that will start to get me involved.  I joined the board at my daughter's soon to be preschool and tonight is the first board meeting to "meet" everyone. I am nervous, but excited. It feels like the first day of school for me!

Speaking of this, I must got get ready while my two wiped out children sleep.!